Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mistakes that we Stumble

In some or the other way each one of us are responsible for the actions that we take in life. But taking the right decision at the right moment matters a lot! It determines the flow of our life. Sometimes it happens to us, that we can not take the right decision or that our conscious leads us to the wrong thing which we are not aware (it’s after effects) at that very moment. But at some point of life, when we stumbles at these “after effects” we happen to rethink of the mistakes we once did. Even though there are no chances to correct the mistakes we committed, everyone comes to a kind of repentance that it could have been avoided.

Mistakes are mistakes once we did. The point is not to repeat the same mistake again. These mistakes have taught me a lesson in life. So......I think it is for everyone. What do you think? Anyone can add your opinion.

1 comment:

phantom said...

Very true!!! Very true indeed...Very well thought of and very well worded....I suppose as long as we do not repeat the mistakes we had once committed and we repent it is good enough for God almighty....Right? The moment you realize that you have done a mistake and repent I feel things will be better for the person...