Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life ..where it takes you to?

Have you ever thought where this life takes you to? I often wonder what will be the end of everything. Everyday, one awakes to a world that gives no guarantee to the life you hold. But most of us have hopes and aspirations to live not only that day but for many more years. Some may fear of a tomorrow, and may even think vainly- "if this very night wouldn't have been a day again".

If you have some time to sit alone and recollect your past (the life you once went through). You may smile at those rare and precious times you had once. Or sometimes will be sad and, regret at the missing of someone you held so close to your heart. Those lovely moments you both had it together and all those ups and downs you experienced in the past life.... all comes and goes within a fraction of seconds. A great sigh may pass you, as you are on your way back from memories. What did you gain from the life you lived so far? Just think...money? relations? fame? social status? or, .. nothing?

Friday, January 9, 2009

The desire....

No human is totally happy within himself or herself. The core issue that overrules one is the want or desire that is prevailing in today’s world. Everyone has the desire to live in a good condition. But nobody is satisfied with what he or she has. So the ‘want’ or ‘desire’ will have no end. From the moment one is born unto the death one will keep on desiring for something.

when Depression Overrules......

You are born alone and die alone. In life at many situations you are alone, especially when you think that nobody is there to support you and to lean on to. At this point, disappointment and depression grips your mind and the thought of death comes to your mind in many forms. But the fear of death limit your thoughts only to the point of thinking. As the life flow towards a direction, we have to face many ups and downs on the way towards the destiny. So that such thoughts become part of our life. Only when you can not escape from such thoughts, it gives way to your death.

Actually what overrules a man’s life is the feeling of depression. Feeling depressed and given out is what happens in common among the people of today.

When do you feel depressed? Is it at times when you are feeling lonely and that you don’t feel much interest in life? Or when your work gives you no satisfaction? Is it at situations when all your efforts seem to be in vain or that all the doors of help are shut in front of you? It is really miserable situation when you find no answer to your questions and find your life not worth living. Is there any solution for all these?